About us

Our Mission

With creativity and care, we use the research and storytelling techniques of journalism to
explore, assemble and present your personal story in a variety of ways – wherever that journey may lead.


For nearly two decades, I've been exploring the building blocks of modern life -- researching, reporting and writing about things like marriage, relationships and raising kids, how we decorate and organize our homes, the ways we interact with pop culture in our marketing-saturated world, and much more. I've done this as a writer for regional, national and global media outlets, and you can find some of that work here.

The best part (the part that's actually all about you) is this: I've discovered along the way that nothing is more interesting than telling the stories of individuals and families, and helping them see their lives celebrated through my work. So while my journalism work continues, Breadcrumbs has become my calling and my passion.

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I tell stories. Stories about you and me and us, about our country and our world and the strange and meaningful tapestry of human experience. I tell stories about things that connect with each other unexpectedly, and about how the most insignificant details in our surroundings can, when poked at, turn out to mean everything. Once I wrote an entire book about a single song. I do other things, too. I currently work as AP’s director of new storytelling and newsroom innovation, helping to drive the organization forward toward an even more creative future. As a leader in AP’s news operation for nearly two decades, I have tried to bring an unerring sense of creative storytelling — in any form, in any fashion, on any platform — into our journalism as our industry changes fundamentally and shifts onto exciting and disruptive new platforms. Along the way, I teach and train and mentor and speak about journalism and why it must remain a fundamental and relevant part of the world during an uncertain era. You can find some of my writing here and photos here.

View Ted's Professional Experience
View Ted on Medium